
Sunday, February 24, 2019

How the Universe Works: Introduction to Modern Cosmology

How the Universe Works: Introduction to Modern Cosmology
By:Serge Parnovsky, Aleksei Parnowski

This book is about the history and the current state of the art in the exciting field of cosmology — the science about the Universe as a whole, which is guaranteed to attract the attention of a wide range of readers. It mostly aims to explain the main ideas of modern cosmology: the expanding Universe, its creation in a Big Bang, its evolution, characteristics, and structure, as well as issues — dark matter and dark energy, black holes and other exotic objects etc. It also answers most frequently asked questions about cosmology.

Year: 2018
Language: english
Pages: 188
ISBN 10: 9813234954
ISBN 13: 9789813234956
File: PDF, 10.87 MB


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